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Parcours Artistique à Lisbonne /  Art Tour in Lisbon 27-29 September
to Sep 29

Parcours Artistique à Lisbonne / Art Tour in Lisbon 27-29 September

Le prochain Parcours Artistique signé This is your Heart se déroulera sur un long weekeend à Lisbonne, un lieu empreint de culture et d'histoire. Cet itinéraire intime alliant art, charme et gastronomie lisboètes, vous fera voyager au cœur de la scène artistique afro-lusophone actuelle à travers des visites d'ateliers d'artistes et d'autres lieux emblématiques. Une découverte de la ville pour les collectionneurs et amateurs d'art sous l'œil de This is your Heart, en collaboration avec Tinina Art.

The upcoming Art Tour will take you to Lisbon, one of the best cultural destinations of the moment. This intimate itinerary is tailored to combine art insights, charm and gastronomy from Lisboa and to have you discover the vibrant afro-lusophone contemporary art scene, touring artists’ studios and art spaces. A voyage for collectors and art lovers through the magic of Lisbon, guided by This is your Heart, in collaboration with Tinina Art.

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This is your Heart reimagining the future at the Venice Biennale and preparing for Dak’Art 2024
to Jun 30

This is your Heart reimagining the future at the Venice Biennale and preparing for Dak’Art 2024

This Biennale’s edition showcases a dozen pavilions from the African continent including first participations by Benin, Senegal, Ethiopia and a powerful return of Nigeria and Zimbabwe, amon others.

Beyond the continent’s representation at the Biennale, other leading exhibitions deeply echo Africa’s and afrodescendant cultures and experiences. The Biennale titled “Foreigners Everywhere” celebrates “otherness”, exploring the theme of migrations and globalized spaces, and offers an overview of creativity from often neglected communities including indigenous people, queer and people of colour, with a post-colonial and gender-sensitive lens.

This is your Heart explored artistic trends and global discourses from artists in the Global South and uncovered new partnership opportunities with national institutions and art practitioners.

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January 2024 - This is your Heart, in partnership with Tinina Art, exhibiting two rising stars of Africa’s contemporary art scene MANEL NDOYE and RENE TAVARES.
to Jan 28

January 2024 - This is your Heart, in partnership with Tinina Art, exhibiting two rising stars of Africa’s contemporary art scene MANEL NDOYE and RENE TAVARES.

René Tavares et Manel Ndoye font partie de cette génération d’artistes qui explorent les questions socio-politiques à travers un fort ancrage dans leurs communautés d’origine : la culture ancestrale santoméenne pour René Tavares et les communautés de pêcheurs Lébous chez Manel Ndoye. Leur recherche est centrée sur la question de l’héritage culturel et l’intersection entre leurs histoires personnelles et un sens socio-historique plus large.

Le thème féminin de l’exposition y tient lieu de métaphore – on y lit la préservation des racines, du lien à la terre ou à la mer nourricières et à des traditions qui permettent un ancrage solide pour mieux projeter sa vision du futur. Le futur d’un continent où la solidarité des communautés reste une valeur fondamentale, dont les femmes se font les garantes. Les deux artistes usent de techniques picturales singulières, par strates et une approche presque photographique pour l’un, par la décomposition des traits et le traitement abstrait pour l’autre, pour mieux rendre l’archéologie des mémoires collectives et des histoires en marche, traversées de mutations sociales et de récits de résilience.

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Contemporary African Art Tour in Paris around the AKAA (Also Known As Africa) Fair /   Parcours Artistique Art Contemporain Africain autour de la foire AKAA

Contemporary African Art Tour in Paris around the AKAA (Also Known As Africa) Fair / Parcours Artistique Art Contemporain Africain autour de la foire AKAA

The Tour took place during the iconic Paris art week with Paris + par Art Basel Fair and other parallel fairs including the 8th edition of the first art fair devoted to contemporary art from Africa organized in Paris, AKAA (Also Known as Africa). In addition to AKAA, the Tour included selected flagship exhibitions around the Fair (Chéri Samba retrospective at Musée Maillol by the Jean Pigozzi collection) and exclusive moments with key personalities from the vibrant Paris art scene, including collectors, gallerists and some of the most exciting artists from the continent including two female artists Kenya-born Thandiwe Muriu and Ghizlane Sahli based in Morrocco. Participants could develop their colossal art style with This is your Heart, and gain valuable market insights to build knowledge and advice for acquisitions.

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Geneva Art Week
to Sep 15

Geneva Art Week

This is your Heart was proud to participate in the first edition of the Geneva Art Week at Mabe Gallery in the Old Town (12-15 September) with a joint exhibition “Poetic interconnectedness".

Geneva-based Swiss- Uruguayan contemporary artist Daniel Orson Ybarra and rising artist of the contemporary African art scene Ana Silva (Angola) offered a colourful yet deep interpretation of interconnectedness of all life. Ana Silva presented a series of impacting masks installations realized in situ, during a residency with This is your Heart in a successful attempt to reinterpret cultural heritage, revealing the rich multiple identities and powerful contemporaneity of African art today.

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Contemporary African Art Tour - 2nd edition

Contemporary African Art Tour - 2nd edition

The Parcours Artistique or Contemporary African Art Tour in Geneva is designed and curated to guide art lovers and connoisseurs who desire to expand their knowledge on the local art scene and iconic collections or who are looking for references to invest in a first art work or diversify their initial collection of contemporary art. The Tour has a limited number of participants to allow an intimate and exclusive experience. The two first editions in March and June 2023 were organized by This is your Heart in partnership with Christine Cibert, free-lance curator from over twenty years, and Frédéric Elkaïm from Art Now! 

Get to discover the work and studios of most interesting artists from the African diaspora in the area, meet key personalities, curators and collectors from the local art scene, and obtain insights on the iconic collections and museum initiatives connected to Africa which are deployed on the Suisse romande territory.

To register for the next edition please send us an email ! 
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