Our story

At This is your Heart, we are a dynamic Swiss-based advisory agency dedicated to championing the vibrant world of contemporary art and creation emerging from Africa and the Global South. Our mission extends beyond borders as we engage in cultural diplomacy to reshape and enrich the global narrative.

In a world where underrepresentation has persisted for decades, a new generation of visionary artists from Africa, Afro-descendant communities, and BIPOC* backgrounds is reshaping and redefining the contemporary art landscape on a global scale. Their confident assertion of their place in the world is transforming their art from the ‘othered’ to the ‘mainstream,’ and in doing so, they are catalyzing a reimagining of post-colonial narratives and a profound questioning of global inequities.

Contemporary artists from the Global South are at the forefront of a shifting geostrategic landscape, contributing to the exploration of new, multifaceted identities. At This is your Heart, we firmly believe that these artists are creating an invaluable archive of our times—a testament and legacy that must be shared, understood, and cherished. The surging interest in Contemporary African Art on the international art market reflects a broader movement to decolonize various disciplines, including art history. 

Beyond mere speculation, the value of the most influential artists will continue to rise, echoing historic shifts, and pioneering modern artists will be rediscovered. We anticipate the emergence of more vibrant artistic ecosystems, residencies, foundations, and new museum institutions across African countries, all bolstering this remarkable growth.

Our central mission is to collaborate with creators, policymakers, investors, art experts, and art enthusiasts to amplify the voices of artists from the Global South. Together, we aim to diversify global narratives, reexamine histories, and stimulate profound discussions on how art can provide solutions to pressing global challenges. Situated in Geneva and Switzerland, connected to major cultural hubs worldwide, we offer the ideal platforms to resonate with this transformative shift.

As your dedicated knowledge partner, This is your Heart combines unique expertise in the art market, international diplomacy, and philanthropy to breathe life into your individual and collective visions, both in Switzerland and beyond. Whether your aspirations involve art acquisitions, contributions to cultural diplomacy, or corporate and family projects, we stand ready to shape them, maximizing their social impact. Supporting emerging artists from the Global South isn’t just an investment; it’s a catalyst for a fairer and more inclusive art scene, fostering a more balanced cultural and political narrative with the potential to make our world a better place.

*Black, Indigenous, and other people of color 

Our Founder’s vision

This is your Heart was founded by Charlotte Diez-Bento, a global citizen with French-Swiss roots and family connections in Angola, Argentina, and Morocco. With over two decades of experience in international diplomacy and advocacy within the UN and global financial institutions, her journey led her to a passionate commitment to serve Global South communities. While bearing witness to profound inequities and ongoing battles against injustice, art consistently emerged as a wellspring of resilience and a catalyst for fresh perspectives.

In many corners of the world, she learned that every act of artistic creation carries profound meaning, often with spiritual or healing dimensions. Art is the bridge that keeps us connected—to ourselves and to our communities, fostering a profound sense of togetherness. In the Global South, artistic creation frequently intersects with activism, serving as a potent path toward greater respect and equity. Art predisposes us to explore alternative ways of perceiving the world—a transformational force that empowers us to learn from diverse perspectives and fosters a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.

Discover our journey, and let’s embark on this transformative artistic voyage together. This is your Heart—where art meets global voices, and together, we shape the future.

  • "L’Afrique a de grandes forces : sa créativité, sa jeunesse, sa vitalité, la richesse de ses cultures, sa capacité à tisser du lien social et à faire communauté malgré les difficultés. Le continent africain doit être un laboratoire. Nous devons imaginer de nouvelles formes, réinventer une humanité plus riche et ouverte."

    Felwine Sarr
    Humanist, philosopher, economist and writer from Senegal, author of Afrotopia (2016) and co-author of the report on Restitution of African Cultural Heritage (2018) with art historian Bénédicte Savoy.

  • "I do feel that people should care about art, not only because the fact that art necessarily changes the world. One can see the utility of art not as something to be appropriated as propaganda or for ideological purposes, but as a learning tool, as a teaching tool, but also as a way for the public to learn how to expand their view of the world.”

    Okwui Enwezor
    Nigerian curator, art critic, writer and poet. He was the first non-European artistic director of Documenta in Germany (2002) and first Africa-born curator of the 2015 Venice Biennale, in the exhibition’s 120-year history. He was a pioneer in placing art from the Global South onto the international circuit, giving a truly global view of art history.

How we support artists