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This is your Heart reimagining the future at the Venice Biennale and preparing for Dak’Art 2024

This Biennale’s edition showcases a dozen pavilions from the African continent including first participations by Benin, Senegal, Ethiopia and a powerful return of Nigeria and Zimbabwe, among others. In particular, Nigeria’s exhibition “Nigeria Imaginary” stands as a highlight with a strong vision led by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Art, Culture and the Creative Economy executed by the new Museum of West African Art (MOWAA) to open this fall. The MOWAA envisions to become a major hub for the preservation of cultural heritage (including restituted artefacts) , the expansion of knowledge and celebration of West African modern and contemporary arts while serving as research center to sustain artistic and museum ecosystems throughout West Africa. The Venice exhibition’s motto “No condition is permanent” is calling for change with the ultimate vision of seeing more African countries becoming global cultural destinations by growing their local arts and culture ecosystems.

Beyond the continent’s representation at the Biennale, other leading exhibitions deeply echo Africa’s and afrodescendant cultures and experiences. The Biennale titled “Foreigners Everywhere” celebrates “otherness”, exploring the theme of migrations and globalized spaces, and offers an overview of creativity from often neglected communities including indigenous people, queer and people of colour, with a post-colonial and gender-sensitive lens. Brazilian curator’s Adriano Pedrosa reverses the gaze to open the audience to other viewpoints from other regions of the world questioning the “Western norm” and revealing multiple identities, cultural heritages and complex memories.

This is your Heart explored artistic trends and global discourses from artists in the Global South and uncovered new partnership opportunities with national institutions and art practitioners.


This is your Heart plans for the Dakar Biennale in November 2024

With the Contemporary African Art Biennale being postponed to November, new opportunities have emerged to plan meaningful activities with artists and partners. Senegal’s incoming government and Culture Department comes with a fresh vision and renewed commitment to anchor the historic Biennale in the contemporary art global landscape. We look forward to contributing with impact to make the Dakar Biennale a privileged moment for contemporary art and Africa’s creatives and to renew global narratives.

Stay tuned and get in touch for joining us on a This is your Heart’s curated Tour of the Dakar Biennale !

January 16

January 2024 - This is your Heart, in partnership with Tinina Art, exhibiting two rising stars of Africa’s contemporary art scene MANEL NDOYE and RENE TAVARES.

September 27

Parcours Artistique à Lisbonne / Art Tour in Lisbon 27-29 September